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Post11/02/2011 at 1:59pm (UTC)    
Post subject: [Tutorial] Create a system for recording

In this tutorial explains how to create a registration system that provides this server.

Step 1
We're going to Control Extras

Step 2
Now go to Add Extra

Where we allow extra Big, by clicking here and choose Contact Form
And we give in Add extra

Step 3
We take you to a page where we can change our form

Form title: Nous mettons le nom de l'URL que nous voulons. Par exemple: /registro.htm
Text before the contact form: We at this table we may place a text description, a picture,: Explanation, numbers, whatever we want.
Activate the name field?: It tells us if we want the name field on the form is activated ( For users that are not registered in OFW )
Activate the Website URL field?: It means if we want the url field is placed so that the user place the url of the website (only for users who are not registered in OFW)
Active the title field?: We wondered if we are to turn the title field for the user (only for registered users Who are not in OFW)
Select background color for the text fields: We get to choose the background of the text fields, where we put our information.
Text color in the input fields: It is the color of the text
Show extended properties: Click there to give us, we can add more text fields Example: Add your number or your social network, or your age and so on.
Width of the input-boxes: The width of the text fields
Height of the message-box: Is the height of the text fields
Send a copy of the mail to e-mail-address: We will place our e-mail to receive information when a user is registered
Show 1. extra box?
No : It means that the field if we activate it to put whatever we want.
Show input box: It means if we want this field is displayed as small squares.
Show textarea: You mean if we want to display a large text field
Title of the 1. extra box? : In the field that gives us, we can put the text you want the user to fill out when they sign up. For example: When you are fulfilling the years?

When we found everything to our liking released we click Save.
I run my form haci

Step 4
Now if we want the bad words can not be written, let's go ah badword Create a list

When we put the images we do not want to be written. We will click on Submit

Well, that was it. I hope you liked it and they will be helpful

Last edited by brianpwg-webdesigner on Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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